Rio Chama Watershed Congreso 2020

[Congreso 2020] Postcard Invitation_Page_1.png

Recreation in the San Juan - Chama Region

The fifth annual Rio Chama Watershed Partnership Congreso was held February 29, 2020 from 8 am to 5 pm at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico. This years theme focused on Outdoor Recreation and the impact it has on those who live, work, and play in the Rio Chama Watershed.

The Congreso concept is that collaborative decision-making can combine local knowledge with scientific management to sustain indigenous cultures, provide educational and economic opportunity for young residents and protect our resources. Congreso 2019 focused on "Rio Chama Infrastructure Challenges". The partnership was pleased to include Axie Navas, director of the new Office of Outdoor Recreation, as Congreso 2020’s keynote speaker.

Congreso 2020’s panels discussed recreation and outdoor activities in the Rio Chama watershed and how to bridge the divide between indigenous/land-grant communities and recreationists. There were also discussions on the El Vado dam corrective action, 2020 water supply and fire season updates, regional watershed science and outdoor education programs, and an overview of recreational and economic opportunity in the region.

Links to Congreso Presentations in .pdf format below:

Axie Navas presentation on NM Outdoor Recreation | Southwest Seasonal Fire Update and Outlook El Vado Corrective Action Update and Water operations | El Vado Corrective Action Gated Tower Alternative

Thank you to everyone who participated in our largest Congreso thus far!